You wait and watch the feast. As an entire three-course meal is served and consumed by, seemingly, air, you listen carefully. You overhear odd conversations from near the table, with one disembodied voice commenting on the meat, and another complaining about seasoning. After the feast is finished, the dishes fly through the pantry into the kitchen, and a clearer voice speaks:

"Yes, it is a shame to lack the best kind of meat, but they don't always come through the door willingly. I hear there are a couple still in their prime ready for slaughter, if only they would make just a couple little mistakes, like a fall through the basement, or sitting at the table."

Then you hear a loud and angry voice shout "Enough!"

You suppose it was wise to avoid the table, and consider that this house might be some kind of supernatural human-harvesting farm. With the voices silent, and the sound of dishes coming from behind the locked kitchen door, your options are:

head to the game room, or
retire to the library.